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Croquet, also called Lawn Croquet, 한국야동 popular outdoor game, played on a lawn or court, with long-handled mallets with which the players hit balls through a series of wickets, or hoops.

“Croquet is believed to have been first played by thirteenth century French peasants who used crudely fashioned mallets to whack wooden balls through hoops made of willow branches. The origins of the modern game have been traced back to 1852 when a game called “crooky” was introduced to England from Ireland where it had been played since the 1830’s. 

Age is just a number, no matter how old you are, that doesn't stop you from playing croquet. As long as you can play, go with it. You can get more health benefits while playing so that can be strong enough. The game is not defined by your age, it's defined by how much you like to play croquet.

Who plays croquet?

Croquet can be played by everyone. It attracts players of all ages who compete together. It is a sport where players can continually improve their game as they become more experienced. Men and women compete on an equal playing level without separate divisions. Because croquet can be played by everyone, it is a very social game. Divisions exist only among skill levels and most United States Croquet Association tournaments offer competition for beginners and seasoned players alike.

What are the Basic Rules of Croquet? 

Players take turns; at the beginning of each play, the player, or "striker," has one shot, hitting only the croquet ball she/he is playing that turn. The turn ends after that shot, unless a bonus shot is earned by scoring a croquet wicket or stake or by hitting another croquet ball.

Croquet can be played by two, four or six players . The object of the game is to hit your ball(s) through the course of six hoops in the right sequence in each direction and finish by hitting them against the centre peg. The side which completes the course first with both balls wins.

How to Play Croquet‎

After the fourth turn, each turn starts with the player deciding which of the two balls to play. The chosen ball is played throughout that turn and the other ball is termed "the partner ball". A turn ends when a stroke does not go through a hoop or strike another ball. If the ball goes through the next hoop in the correct direction, the ball is said to have "run the hoop" and that player is entitled to another stroke. 

A ball is not deemed to have run a hoop until the entire ball has passed through the hoop. Since the hoop has a depth, it should be clear that this means that the entire ball must have passed through the front of the hoop but crucially does not need to pass completely out the other side. i.e. a straight edge placed across the front of the hoop (the side that the ball enters) should not touch the ball.

If the ball strikes another ball, this is called a "roquet". A roquet entitles the player to two extra strikes. The first extra strike is a special type of shot called a "croquet" and the second is a normal strike. To "take croquet", a player must pick up the ball and place it so that it touches the ball it came into contact with (the "roqueted ball"). The player then strikes the ball in such a way that the roqueted ball also moves.